
ADD - Attention deficit disorder symptoms may include inattention, impulsivity, overactivity, social clumsiness, disorganization and specific learning disabilities.

ADHD - Attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder may be characterized by difficulty with the following: paying attention, concentrating, following directions, learning, keeping still, and completing tasks. Teens with ADHD may be inclined to make impulsive decisions without stopping to think about the consequences of their choices. Three subtypes of ADHD exist: inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, and combined.

Anxiety - Symptoms of anxiety disorders may include excessive worry and apprehension; irritability; fatigue; difficulty concentrating; or sleep disturbances. Panic disorder may involve unpredictable episodes of heart palpitations or chest pain; excessive sweating; light-headedness; labored breathing; tingling in the arms or legs; a sense of disassociation; and fear of losing control.

Depression - In teens, depression may involve a combination of symptoms: depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities; sadness and fear with intermittent inability to feel emotion; marked weight loss or gain; changes in sleep patterns; restlessness; fatigue; hopelessness; decreased self esteem; abuse of alcohol, drugs or food; nightmares; problems in school; self injury; or becoming withdrawn or irritable.

Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) - Provides treatment for the sex partner(s) of patients diagnosed with chlamydia by providing prescriptions or medications to the patient to take to his/her partner without the healthcare provider first examining the partner.

High-risk behaviors - These harmful behaviors can result in injury, disease, and death. Examples of high-risk behaviors include unprotected sexual activity (oral, anal or vaginal) without a condom; sharing needles while injecting drugs; using street drugs or abusing prescription drugs; huffing inhalants; using alcohol; drinking and driving; tobacco use; and engaging in violent behavior.

Self-injurious behaviors - This refers to purposeful harming one's own body whether by cutting, hitting, burning, head banging, choking, scratching, inserting objects into body opening, or other self-destructive behaviors.